North Nowra Public School

Living and Learning Together

Telephone02 4422 7045

Behaviour Support and Management Plan

North Nowra Public School Behaviour   Support and Management Plan

The Plan is to be used in conjunction with the Department of Education's Inclusive Engaging and Respectful Schools Policies and Guidelines.

Guideline Rationale:

  • Inclusive, Engaging and Respectful schools brings together new policies and system-wide supports on inclusive education for students with disability, student behaviour and restrictive practices to ensure every student can reach their full potential in NSW public schools.
  • North Nowra Public School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to be engaged with their learning. Key programs prioritised and valued by the school community are The North Nowra Way, How 2 Learn, and The Zones of Regulation in conjunction with explicit teaching from the Bounce Back teacher resource.

The plan details the procedures relating specifically to Behaviour Support and Management strategies and should be used in conjunction with other wellbeing guidelines such as Detention, Playground, attendance and Anti-Bullying

North Nowra Public School Behaviour Support and Management Plan 2024