North Nowra Public School is a community-based school that enjoys parent involvement.
Membership of the Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is open to all parents/carers and citizens of the North Nowra Public School community.
Ways to get involved in the North Nowra Public School P&C:
- Volunteer at school events
- Attend P&C meetings
- Volunteer to assist with fundraising eg. make a cake
- Volunteer in the school canteen
Your P&C is successful because of the commitment of volunteers.
We are open to suggestions, and can always do more with your help. We are very efficient and effective and warmly invite you to contribute. There are many opportunities available that will suit your schedule, skills and ability to commit. Please contact the school on 4422 7045 for more information.
Canteen Sales
All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
Orders for lunch can be made online using the My School Connect app, or they can be handed in at the canteen in the morning before school.Your child's name, class and order should be clearly marked on the front of the bag if you are not using the online app.
The schools P&C Association operates our canteen as a service offered to students and families. Profit from canteen sales is returned to the school through identified programs that the P&C membership has elected to support. The Canteen Co-ordinator is employed by the P&C Association.
If you are able to help out in the canteen please complete the P&C Volunteer Opportunities form and return it to the office. The canteen operates a healthy food canteen within guidelines provided by the NSW Department of Health and the NSW DoE.
Our school canteen is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week of the school year. Notice of closure will be provided via Dojo messages