North Nowra Public School

Living and Learning Together

Telephone02 4422 7045

Detention Guidelines

Detention Guideline

The Guideline is to be used in conjunction with the North Nowra Public School Student Well-being Policies and Guidelines.

Guideline Rationale:

  • To ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff, as well as provide an educational environment where all students can achieve and succeed, it is essential that behaviour is monitored. 
  • All staff, have a responsibility to promote positive behaviour, to encourage mutual respect and to instil self-discipline in students. 
  • Where students do not respond positively to the standards and expectations of the School, it may, on occasions, be necessary to impose a fair, reasonable and proportionate sanction. 

The guideline details the procedures relating specifically to the issuing of detention. 

North Nowra Public School Detention Guidelines (PDF 87KB)